Dr. Manju Shri has completed her B.SC. form Ishabella Thoburn college, Lucknow and M.Sc. (Biochemistry) form University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. She has completed her Ph.D. in Sciences, from Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, (National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow) in 2014. She has more than 10 years of research experience in the field of heavy metal stress in rice plants, plant biotechnology, Tissue culture and genetic engineering. She has published > 15 research articles in peer-reviewed journals with a cumulative impact factor more >60, including 2 papers in Nature Publishing Group. She has also authored more than 20 book chapters and 1 book as co-editor. Cumulative citation of her research work is >1700. She has qualified UGC-CSIR NET and availed CSIR-SRF fellowship. She has received young scientist award by SVWS in 2016. Her two publications were selected for best paper award by National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow. She has also received the fellowship under the scheme of SERB Young Scientist Dst, GOI. She is also reviewer of various reputed journals such as Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
More details on research publications: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=vlwZsPYAAAAJ&hl=en